Tuesday 31 December 2019

India and the Modern World (from 1750 to 1900)

Modern period of the history of India begin with the conquest of India by the British from the 18th century till Independence in 1947.

Features of Modern age:

  • Industrialisation: Large scale production of goods in factories by using machines and power
  • Urbanisation: Movement of people form villages to town and cities
  • Nationalism: Patriotism and growing identification
  • Democracy:  Government chosen by people
  • Socialism: Equal distribution of wealth
  • Scientific and technological progress: New inventions and discoveries
  • Exploration: Search for new land and sea routes
  • Humanism: human welfare, dignity, and values

Forces for the Modern age

  1. Renaissance (Rebirth): It was a movement started in the 14th century in Italy and last till 17th century. This period give rise to scientific method of enquiry in which learning is done by questioning, observation, experimentation. People in this period thinks for themselves and question the old beliefs and superstitions.
  2. Industrial Revolution: An economic revolution, started in Britain in 1750. It leads to an expansion in trade. In this work with simple tools at home was replaced by factory system. And thus, the large machines produced much more of the same products faster and at a fraction of the cost.
    Growth of Colonialism was seen during this period. Factories was producing goods on a large scale for which large market is needed to sell the products and the raw material (cotton, iron, coal) is needed for the production.
    This leads to Britain and European countries to search overseas for the colonies ad a market for the finished goods.
  3. American and French revolutions and Nationalism: Liberty, Equality and Fraternity which they adopted changed the lives of millions of people as it inspired people to rebel against domination and exploitation and to fight for freedom and democracy.
    It leads to the growth of Nationalism (strong feeling of love, pride and loyalty for the country) in 19th century. Indians also got inspired from this in the late 19h century to fight for independence from British rule.

India in the Modern World

After the death of Aurangzeb in 1707, Mughal empire decline as later Mughal rulers did not have the capabilities to hold the vast empire together.

Powerful new kingdoms was established by Marathas and the Sikhs. Now, merchants form Europe began to establish trading base along the India’s coast. European took advantage of the rivalries among the Indian rulers and made their bases stronger. Europeans also fought among themselves for the control over the large profitable trade with India and soon the British has established themselves as the main power in India.

Sources of Information of Modern Indian History

Sources of information are:
  1. Primary Source:  Information which is original and created at the time of the event by the people who witnessed the event. Example: Coin, inscriptions.
  2. Secondary Source: Second-hand accounts of event, which are collected and put together by people who study the primary source. Example: Textbooks, biographies, magazines.
    Printing press was invented in Germany in the 15th century came into use in India in 18th century. By this there is a mass printing of books, newspaper, magazines. Books were printed in English and in the various regional languages.
Max Mueller wrote about the Vedas and the Indian philosophy (he has never been to India). His theories were to influence western thoughts on India for several decade.

Government documents

British officials were very much particular about keeping proper records of all the official transactions. Government orders, acts and other important decisions of the government had to be recorded. That is why, historians have a rich fund pf official British documents, official letters and correspondence, which are now preserved in the National Archives of India and at the National museum, New Delhi.

Letter written by Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi are preserved in government museums in Chennai, Mumbai and Kolkata.

Historical buildings

British built several buildings during their 200 year rule in India which are well preserved. Buildings represents a style different form the medieval times. Some of the historical buildings build to mark the important events of the time, such as Gateway of India was built to commemorate the visit of King George V and Queen Mary to Bombay in 1911.